
Hey Everybody!
Hopefully you are still out there following this blog. I haven't posted here since 2012, WOW!
It's not that I stopped believing, I have no clue why I quit other than business.
I work with Student at church and the student director and assistant challenged us Sunday with reading the book of Proverbs the month of August because there is 31 chapters and 31 days, so a chapter a day.
I decided that not only was I going to read Proverbs I am going to journal it as well because I have had this journaling bible for over a year and haven't journaled the first thing in it. I pray for God to give me a desire to do this and make it the entire month without missing a day.
Proverbs is a book of wisdom and I pray I gain much from not just reading it but meditating on it and journaling it. Chapter one is about we are to fear the Lord and stay away form sin by making good choices.
We are to let the group know which verse(s) spoke to us and today verse 33 stood out.
"but whoever listens to me will live in safety and be at ease, without fear of harm."
We have to be wise in our choices and fear the LORD, not a scared of Him fear but a fear of reverence for who He is.See ya tomorrow for day 2!
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